Sunday Worship

‘Open your mouth and taste, open your eyes and see how good God is. Blessed are you who run to him’ Psalm 34:8

Sunday Worship 

2 February Presentation of Christ in the Temple Malachi 3: 1-5  &  Luke 2: 22-40
9 February 4th Sunday before Lent Isaiah 6: 1-8  &  Luke 5: 1-11
16 February 3rd Sunday before Lent & RENEW Jeremiah 17: 5-10  &  Luke 6: 17-26
23 February 2nd Sunday before Lent Genesis 2: 4b-9, 15-end  &  Luke 8: 22-25

All are welcome to our Sunday Worship with Holy Communion and music led by our versatile robed choir and talented organists.  Service starts at 9.45 am and is followed by refreshments in the church hall after the Service.

We offer Junior Church for our younger members on the 1st Sunday of the month. We are lucky to have an excellent team of leaders who offer creative craft ideas to help younger people engage with the gospel. There is the opportunity to ‘show and tell’ after Holy Communion is shared.

On the 3rd Sunday of the month, our young people lead a less formal Renew Service with more modern songs and accessible story telling of the Gospel.   

Fortnightly on Wednesday mornings at 10.00 am, there is a traditional Book of Common Prayer Said Service, with sermon, held in church.

On the 3rd Wednesday of the month we have a Common Worship Communion with prayers for healing.

Why do we worship? Not because God is an egomaniac! We don’t go to church for God’s sake, but for our own. As the old saying has it, ‘Don’t join a perfect church – you’ll ruin it!’ We try to be a group of authentic, creative people who live lives that reflect the love of God in Jesus Christ. We don’t always get it right, and we need a lot of help – which is the essence of why we meet together.

Sharing ideas, experiences, learning from and with each other is the most difficult and the most rewarding task of life – and we believe this is what God calls us to do. As Timothy Radcliffe reminds us in his excellent book, ‘Why go to Church’: “Because of the deep insecurity of our society, we seek the assurance of the like-minded. But no community of the like-minded is a sign of the kingdom of God… intolerant forms of Christianity have lost the plot.”
Three essential prayers from the writer Anne Lamott: ‘Help’, ‘Thanks’ and ‘Wow’. Each of these provide a good starting point for thinking about worship. We meet together to pray together for the needs of the world and for our individual circumstances. We meet together to express our gratitude to God for his gift of life and the many blessings that accompany it. We meet together in wonder at the miracles that meet us each day and trace a path of grace through our shared lives.

Giving thanks for the ministry of all women here in Southwark and throughout the church – and marking 30 years of women’s ordination to the priesthood. Photo by Tom Bradley, official photographer for Southwark Cathedral

Sharing Holy Communion

Our central act of worship is Holy Communion, a sharing together in bread and wine at which we believe the Risen Christ is present with us. However, arguably the most important part of this act comes right at the end when we are sent out to ‘love and serve the Lord’.

This is where the word ‘Mass’ comes from. As Jesus told his disciples: ‘As the Father has sent me, so I send you’ (John 20:21). We are not only to be those who attend church, but those who are church, sharing the good news of God’s love with those outside our walls through our daily lives.     


Do join with us.   You will be very welcome.