Contact Group

Is not wisdom found among the aged? Does not long life bring understanding?’ Job 12:12

St Andrew’s Contact Group ‘Pop in’ Afternoon Tea in St. Andrew’s Church Hall

2nd Tuesday of every month, from 2 – 4 pm – preceded by Holy Communion at 1.30pm.

Exercising senior Stock Illustration | k10741944 | Fotosearch

 There’s lots to enjoy, ensuring that people living on their own and those who are becoming more elderly can continue to be included in the life of the wider community – including limbering up with Sara-Jane Davidson for chair aerobics.  There’s never a dull moment.

Our volunteers

Contact Group was set up in 1990 to provide a friendly space for people to meet, offering fun and fellowship for those who may otherwise feel isolated due to older age or issues of health. 34 years later thanks to a dedicated group of volunteers, we are still going strong!

All are welcome to share in a delicious afternoon tea on the second Sunday of the month from 2-4 pm. A range of activities including quizzes, crafts, music and talks from a variety of entertaining speakers take place.

Please contact Monica Jefford for more details.

Our dear friend Stella was thanked for her contribution to this important aspect of our outreach at a recent Sunday service.(Stella is pictured receiving a gift with some of the other volunteers)

Loving God, 
source of healing and comfort,
fill us with your grace, that the sick may be made whole,
that those who care for us may be strengthened,
that the anxious may be calmed,
and those most vulnerable be protected
in the power of Spirit and in the faith of Jesus Christ our Lord.