Churches Together in Coulsdon (CTC)
One in Christ Jesus, engaged in God’s Mission, empowered by the Spirit.
St Andrew’s Church is a member of Churches Together in Coulsdon (CTC) – one of nine churches in Coulsdon and Old Coulsdon which subscribe to CTC’s Covenant to establish links with one another in prayer and fellowship to further the Unity of the Church.
- Confessing our faith in Jesus Christ as Lord and Saviour
- Recognising that Christ wills the unity of his church
- Recognising one another as within the on Church of Jesus Christ
- Rejoicing in our common Christian faith and heritage
- Giving thanks to the Holy Spirit for leading us into closer friendship and unity of purpose
Our covenant with each other |
What this means in practice |
Continue our pilgrimage towards a visible unity, praying that God will lead us to the form that it will eventually take
Share our Christian life together as fully as we can, in love and service to God and to God’s world.
- Not do separately what can better be done together
- Worship, pray and study together so that we may understand, know and value each other
- Wherever possible, carry out our mission to our local community and the wider world as Churches Together
- Commit ourselves, as individual churches and together; to find ways to promote unity
- Every year review our progress towards these objectives.
CTC Membership
We accept all members of the covenanting churches as brothers and sisters in Christ. We commend each other to the love of God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, and pray for God’s wisdom and strength to fulfil the Covenant. Clergy and lay representatives (an Enabling Group) from all member churches meet regularly to plan joint services and activities; such as joint services and activities such as the: Week of Prayer for Christian Unity, Good Friday Walk of Witness, Easter Sunday Sunrise, Pentecost on the Green and participation in the Homeless Shelter.
Our Parish representatives (Enabling Group) are Revd Esther Foss, Jennifer Atkinson, Monica Jefford.
- Meeting 3 times a year, and able to substitute and/or co-opt other attendees as needed
- With a Standing Committee, the Officers having the power to transact Enabling Group business between meetings.
- And a Ministers’ Fellowship providing a sharing network for the clergy.
Collectively referred to in CTC’s Constitution as The Assembly an open forum but the right to vote is limited to 5 representatives per member church. (Constitution amendments require three months notice and the unanimous approval of all CTC members.)
- The Assembly meets annually in January to review, consider and encourage CTC progress and future activities.
- Financial statements and the Independent Examiner’s report are received and approved (or not) at the AGM.
- Officers and Independent Examiner: are elected annually at the AGM with the exception of the Chairperson who will be elected for a term not exceeding three years and may serve no more than two consecutive ones.
- Chair: Monica Jefford July 2023-26
- Vice Chair: Dave Newland
- Honorary Secretary: Revd Malcolm Newman
- Treasurer: Vacancy
- Independent Examiner: Michael Southwell