‘I ask that You keep our hearts and minds open so that we willingly seek to touch those outside the four walls of the church; those who do not know You’ Mark 16:15
Time 2 B – every Monday in Church from 10am to 12noon, you will find an open space of welcome and inclusion at St. Andrew’s Church, where it is okay to not be okay! We all need to renew our wellbeing, especially when we’re going through tough times like now. Just pop along for a cuppa and chat, pause, slow down, join a workshop of activity, and find peace in a prayerful place. A warm welcome awaits you.
Messy Church is held every 3rd Tuesday in the Church Hall from
Contact Group ‘Pop in’ Afternoon Tea in St. Andrew’s Church Hall on the 2nd Tuesday of every month, from 2 –
Mothers’ Union provides Christian care and support for families across the globe. We meet on the 3rd Tuesday of the month, at 8.00pm; once for Corporate Communion and an evening meeting for a programme of talks, social events or a quiz.
Tots and Toys happening every Tuesday at 11 am in the Church Hall. This is a wonderful opportunity to meet other families with children in Coulsdon. All are welcome and it’s free!
Churches Together in Coulsdon (CTC) – St Andrew’s Church is a member of Churches Together in Coulsdon (CTC) – one of nine churches in Coulsdon and Old Coulsdon which subscribe to CTC’s Covenant to establish links with one another in prayer and fellowship to further the Unity of the Church. Clergy and lay representatives from all member churches meet regularly to plan joint services and activities; such as joint services and activities such as the: Week of Prayer for Christian Unity, Good Friday Walk of Witness, Easter Sunday Sunrise, Pentecost on the Green and participation in the Homeless Shelter. Our Parish representatives are Revd Esther Foss, Jennifer Atkinson, Monica Jefford.